Workplace Wellbeing refers to all working life aspects to ensure employees are safe, healthy, satisfied & engaged at work. Productivity at work is often linked to the health & wellbeing of the workforce, so workplace wellbeing can be key in determining an organisation’s long-term success.
Organisations that do not address employee wellbeing run the risk of workplace problems such as stress, bullying, conflict & poor mental health. Fostering wellbeing can help prevent stress & create positive working environments for individuals & organisations to thrive.
A culture of wellbeing
While many progressive companies acknowledge the benefits of wellbeing initiatives, they often fall short of their potential. For wellbeing initiatives to really be successful they must be integrated throughout the organisation, established in its culture. Creating a culture of wellbeing, however, faces some common obstacles such as not knowing where to start, a lack of buy-in, budget or enthusiasm, stale or defunct programmes & the inability to report results.
You can include wellbeing in your organisation’s culture by creating a community & advocating for a supportive culture. Knowing your employees’ goals & prioritising their growth with the support of coaching & mentoring can foster a culture of wellbeing. You must lead by example, encourage autonomy & ownership, embrace agile & flexible working to improve your working environment.
Implementing a wellbeing programme can have benefits in all areas of company culture including:
- 16% increase in employees who feel a sense of purpose in their jobs
- 24% increase in the sense of opportunity for development & growth at the organisation
- 22% increase in people doing great work
- 19% increase in employees’ perception of their leaders
- 24% increase in employees’ perception of senior leadership
- 16% increase in overall employee engagement
- 18% increase in workplace satisfaction
Holistic approach to wellbeing
Poor Mental Health costs UK employers up to £45 billion a year according to the latest Deloitte research[i]. Every £1 investment by employers on mental health interventions returns £5 in reduced absence, presenteeism & staff turnover. It is estimated that about 12.5 million working days a year are lost due to work-related stress & other mental health issues.
UK workforces were found to be 31% less productive than those of the US & 17% less productive than the rest of the G7 countries[ii]. Including wellbeing in people management could increase employ engagement, motivation & productivity resulting in a gain in the economy of up to £77 billion[iii].
With 60% of organisations reporting an increase in common mental health conditions, like anxiety & depression, among their employees in the past 12 months, it is recognised that a holistic approach to workplace wellbeing is needed to address both the psychosocial & physical aspects of health & wellbeing.[iv]
To get started with your wellbeing programme:
- Motivation must come from the top
- Begin with the five pillars of wellbeing
- Apply health benefits to each pillar
- Determine your KPIs in advance
- Consult your teams across the business
- Present your proposal like it matters
The 5 pillars of Wellbeing
Physical Wellness
To encourage employee participation, you can motivate them with a rewards scheme & facilitate on-site activities. In health benefits, promote preventative care & health checks.
Social Wellness
Social wellness magnifies the effect of the other pillars. You need to understand & prevent workplace loneliness by developing effective induction & mentoring programmes. You should consider physical space, flexibility between departments, in-person meetings for remote workers & that camaraderie should match the company’s values.
All new employees require an introduction to the team culture through a culture mentor, as well as training for their role & responsibilities with a trainer or coach. The culture mentor does not have to be the same person as the trainer but a more natural friend. 75% of employees who have a best friend at work say they can take anything on & 72% are satisfied with their jobs, compared to 58% of employees & 54% respectively, who do not have a best friend at work.
Mental Wellness
With the increase of mental health conditions, especially in the workplace, a focus on the mental pillar of wellness is vital. You should foster an open & supportive environment by educating your team & managers. You can help employees find resources & get diagnosed & bring mental health services to the workplace.
Financial Wellness
Financial health supports physical, mental & social health. As employers you can provide effective financial instruments & educate your workforce on financial decisions. You can encourage financial literacy by running workshops, involve experts, conduct private retirement planning sessions & make costs easy to find.
Community Wellness
Today’s employees want work that makes a difference, to provide meaningful experiences for themselves, their families & their communities. You need to communicate your community wellness initiatives clearly to affect change. Develop social challenges that apply outside the workplace & listen to employee input & feedback.

Wellbeing Programmes Support Employee Engagement & Retention
When an organisation demonstrates care & concern for employee wellbeing, 82% of employees scored above the standard for engagement. Only 29% were rated as engaged if they said their organisation did not show care & concern. Genuinely supporting the wellbeing, work-life balance & satisfaction on a personal level achieves maximum employee engagement more than salary incentives or performance objectives.
Employee retention is increased when employees feel human & not just a number, feel valued & appreciated & feel like they are growing & progressing. Wellbeing programmes can help with flexibility, purpose, & personal growth & development.

If you are interested in building a culture of wellbeing, then Qinesis can help you develop a personalised workplace wellbeing programme to ensure the best employee experience for sustainable growth.