We started our year in amazing fashion, being involved in a programme we truly believe in. We were fortunate enough to be facilitators for two cohorts of the Manufacturing Peer Network Programme, organised by the D2N2 Growth Hub & the Derby Chamber.
The first cohort started in January & was facilitated by our Coaching & Mentoring Director, Martin Rigley. It consisted of 11 companies, all with a common desire for sustainable growth in the face of COVID-19 pandemic. The companies involved were Hucknall Sheet Metal Ltd, St Ann’s Sheer Metal Co Ltd, Peak Packaging Ltd, Print 4 Ltd, Asmech Systems Ltd, Collis Engineering Ltd, Tiger Assemblies, Trentpack Ltd, Hydropath, Devtank & Slo Drinks.
The second cohort consisted of Bowers Electrical Ltd, Complexia Ltd, Codel International Ltd, TCE Transmission Ltd, Peveril Machinery, C M Dean Electrical Ltd, A1 Direct Supplies, Badgemaster Ltd, Creative Steelwork Ltd, Comech Metrology Ltd, Arcsus IT Solutions Ltd, MTM Products. It began in March & was facilitated by our NED & STEM Specialist, Gary Jordan.
We are proud to see that the aims of the programme, of building trusted networks to help overcome business challenges & recognise & act on new opportunities, have been realised. Diverse manufacturing businesses forming bonds that go beyond networking.
Some of the key themes that seem to interest both cohort members were marketing & sales, leadership, wellbeing & HR. We were pleased to see them supporting each other with any ideas or concerns & were happy to offer any advice if needed to keep conversations going.
We really believe in the power of collaboration & mutual support being a driving factor in the success of Manufacturing SMEs. The success of the Peer Network Programme, as evidenced by the further 18 hours we have been approved for, has just reinforced that belief.
If you are considering the benefits of joining a Peer Network, here is the feedback from some of the members of our first cohort.
Not only has she been an invaluable member of the team over the past few years, but she has also overcome unimaginable personal difficulties to complete her apprenticeship & with a Distinction no less. We couldn’t be prouder!
We can’t wait to continue to support you on your journey & to watch you succeed & flourish. The future is bright for you!

HSM are currently working with Martin Rigley MBE through the D2N2 on a program named ‘Peer to Peer network’ We are a cohort of 11 likeminded companies who are all assisting each other with key issues that face our businesses today. Having completed our second session, I can already highly recommend the free program to help build your network in the area & find solutions together to your current issues. – Jason Thorpe

Peer Group – manufacturing was a great experience, really pleased we are doing more, the opportunity to discuss issues, problem solve & help in a ‘safe’ environment is brilliant.
All session ran smoothly due not only the experience & skill of the facilitator but also the excellent back up staff who ensured all admin & tech worked smoothly, thank you Qinesis & the Chamber for making this possible. – Simon Emsley

I have been extremely pleased with the Peer Group sessions, which have surpassed my expectations. The members of the group are very knowledgeable, happy to share & the forum is a great place for problem solving. I have learnt a great deal about different approaches to running a business which will help me in my own role. – Richard

Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the peer2peer course & would highly recommend, for someone who does not normally get involved with these sorts of things I found it really interesting & a good insight to how other business can help support each other through advice & experience – Ben Mitchell

It has been great chatting to everyone & putting different ideas around the table. – Scott Warren

At the beginning, I wasn’t really sure what to expect of the sessions but really enjoyed the group format & everyone getting the chance to describe a problem & hearing lots of great ideas from others. It was good to be able to share ideas but also hear from other companies that have experienced similar issues & how they dealt with the ideas. The facilitation of the group sessions was also spot on with a good balance of input & letting the conversation & discussions flow & grow. The one-to-one parts of the course were equally helpfully with the chance to really dig down in to some personal & business problems & objectives and get lost of actions & ideas to take away & implement. – Hannah Jones

The Peer to Peer sessions have enabled cross fertilisation of information & ideas across a variety of companies, for the betterment of the business & subsequently the local communities in which they operate, & I would encourage anyone to join a cohort if they have the opportunity. – Terry Dean