Qinesis, The Business Growth Company
We help businesses with all aspects of growth.
We specialise in Management, Business & Marketing services to improve your business for a brighter future.
Click on the icons below for more information.
For a look at our complete capabilities click here.
We take a holistic view of business growth & take your business to new heights by adding that personal touch to success. Every client is unique & we endeavour to establish long term relationships of mutual respect. Our approach with every client is different, to recognise their unique nature & chosen path.
Our only goal is to grow our clients & their business.
The Qinesis approach is:
- Facilitative rather than prescriptive
- Supportive rather than critical
- Focused rather than general
- Thinking rather than technique led
Qirous – October 2024
Welcome to the October edition of Qirous Magazine, where we bring you the latest updates from the dynamic world of Qinesis. To view the full October Edition of Qrious, please click here
End of 2021
We are fast approaching the end of 2021 & what a successful year it has been for the Qinesis team & our customers. We would like to take a moment to thank our all our wonderful & valued customers for a fantastic year & for letting us join you on your...
The BGC, Are You Qurious? August Edition
In the August edition of Qurious, we introduced a new pilot programme we are running, Qi Therapy, & explained our Qi Board offering through a case study of our work with Hydropath. We broke down the barriers to consultancy & advocated for an Innovators Mindset...
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