Qinesis, The Business Growth Company
We help businesses with all aspects of growth.
We specialise in Management, Business & Marketing services to improve your business for a brighter future.
Click on the icons below for more information.
For a look at our complete capabilities click here.
We take a holistic view of business growth & take your business to new heights by adding that personal touch to success. Every client is unique & we endeavour to establish long term relationships of mutual respect. Our approach with every client is different, to recognise their unique nature & chosen path.
Our only goal is to grow our clients & their business.
The Qinesis approach is:
- Facilitative rather than prescriptive
- Supportive rather than critical
- Focused rather than general
- Thinking rather than technique led
End of 2021
We are fast approaching the end of 2021 & what a successful year it has been for the Qinesis team & our customers. We would like to take a moment to thank our all our wonderful & valued customers for a fantastic year & for letting us join you on your...
The BGC, Are You Qurious? August Edition
In the August edition of Qurious, we introduced a new pilot programme we are running, Qi Therapy, & explained our Qi Board offering through a case study of our work with Hydropath. We broke down the barriers to consultancy & advocated for an Innovators Mindset...
Developing an Innovators Mindset for SMEs Webinars
Innovation seems like such a foreign word to many SMEs. Many SME leaders believe innovation is just for big companies. That they lack the resources & know-how to be innovative or are afraid of change. Well, we are here to tell you, that couldn't be further from...
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